Sharing my thoughts

Tag: blog (page 1 of 1)

Dive Into My Blogging Adventure: Skinny-Dipping in the Digital Ocean.


Jumping into the blogging game has felt like skinny-dipping in the open ocean – exhilarating and terrifying. Here I am, tossing my thoughts, hopes, and the occasional tantrum into the vast abyss of the internet, wearing nothing but my vulnerability. There’s a quirky kind of satisfaction in hitting “publish” on a post, akin to scribbling secrets into my journal, only this time, I’m whispering them into the ear of the cosmos: just me, 5 curious clickers, and the universe piecing together the puzzle of my mind.… Read More. “Dive Into My Blogging Adventure: Skinny-Dipping in the Digital Ocean.”

Sharing bookmarks

Managing a reasonable number of bookmarks is OK with browser favorites. However, it can become overwhelming once you start using them for research, as a reference, or for creating a helpful knowledge base.

Mac users are lucky because DevonThink Pro is a possible solution. As a former Mac user, I regret not having this option anymore.… Read More. “Sharing bookmarks”