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Tag: reference (page 1 of 1)

Serbian coffee. Greek coffee. Bosnian coffee. Turkish coffee.

Before Yugoslavia fell apart and the situation in the Balkans worsened, the coffee was called “Turkish coffee.”

On a side note, like in Italy, there is a way to order a cup in Serbia if you want to pretend you’re a local: “Oj majstore, daj dve Turske, molim te”. Or even better, “Dve Turske, molim te” if you order before being asked.

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Sharing bookmarks

Managing a reasonable number of bookmarks is OK with browser favorites. However, it can become overwhelming once you start using them for research, as a reference, or for creating a helpful knowledge base.

Mac users are lucky because DevonThink Pro is a possible solution. As a former Mac user, I regret not having this option anymore.… Read More. “Sharing bookmarks”