Sharing my thoughts

Tag: rain (page 1 of 1)

It’s always raining


The clouds have conspired, a dastardly plot,
To shower us daily, without a spot,
They open their floodgates, pour down with glee,
As we scramble for shelter, our clothes dripping free.

Umbrellas and raincoats, our constant companions,
Protecting us from the watery avalanche,
But alas, they fail, the rain seeps through,
Leaving us soaked, from head to shoe.… Read More. “It’s always raining”

Emily and the menacing message.

The night hung heavy around me as I sat in my dimly lit office, the only illumination emanating from the restless glow of my smartphone. Its screen flickered with a relentless stream of notifications, each one more invasive than the last. Taking a drag from my cigarette, I struggled to focus on the task at hand, but the ceaseless buzzing and beeping of the phone was pushing me to the edge of sanity.… Read More. “Emily and the menacing message.”

Serbian coffee. Greek coffee. Bosnian coffee. Turkish coffee.

Before Yugoslavia fell apart and the situation in the Balkans worsened, the coffee was called “Turkish coffee.”

On a side note, like in Italy, there is a way to order a cup in Serbia if you want to pretend you’re a local: “Oj majstore, daj dve Turske, molim te”. Or even better, “Dve Turske, molim te” if you order before being asked.

Read More. “Serbian coffee. Greek coffee. Bosnian coffee. Turkish coffee.”

Sharing bookmarks

Managing a reasonable number of bookmarks is OK with browser favorites. However, it can become overwhelming once you start using them for research, as a reference, or for creating a helpful knowledge base.

Mac users are lucky because DevonThink Pro is a possible solution. As a former Mac user, I regret not having this option anymore.… Read More. “Sharing bookmarks”